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International Preschool in Johor Bahru

Looking for an International Preschool in Johor Bahru? Invictus Malaysia preschool helps your child smoothly transition to primary school. Find out more here.
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Who is Invictus International School in Malaysia?

Invictus is a forward-looking international school that provides a high-quality education at an accessible cost. Founded in Singapore and meticulously developed by the academic board leadership into a trusted international brand, Invictus focuses on holistic education and character development with an emphasis on leadership, multilingualism, technology, and highly effective Singapore Mathematics.

How does it compare to other schools?

Invictus has an excellent track record, offering premium and affordable education in Singapore. Our tuition fees are relatively lower in comparison with other international schools.

Where are your teachers from?

Our teachers come from around the world and have received their education from an English medium university. Most, if not all, of our teachers, have varying years of teaching experience and have taught at an international school before joining Invictus. All our teachers are subject to comprehensive continuous professional development to ensure that our teaching and learning is inspiring and individualised to all of our children’s needs.

What curriculum is used at Invictus International School in Malaysia?

At Invictus, we utilise the UK Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for students aged 4 to 5. They then transit to the Cambridge Primary curriculum, and onward to the Cambridge Lower Secondary curriculum, which aids in a natural progression into the Cambridge IGCSE programme and finally to the Cambridge A-Levels and after which into their university of choice.

For more information please check out our curriculum page here.

What is Singapore Mathematics?

Singapore mathematics is a teaching method based on the national mathematics curriculum of Singapore used for Year 1 to Year 6. The term was initially coined in the United States to describe an approach developed initially in Singapore, which teaches students to learn and master fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail and having them learn these concepts using a three-step learning process. The three steps in this process are concrete, pictorial, and abstract. In the first step, students engage in hands-on learning experiences using tangible objects such as chips, dice, or paper clips. This is followed by drawing pictorial representations of mathematical concepts. In the lower grades, we focus mostly on the first two stages. Students then solve mathematical problems abstractly by using numbers and symbols at the higher levels. Singapore Mathematics has been adopted successfully in at least 25 countries and helps.

What is the student-teacher ratio in each classroom?

Each class will have a maximum of 25 students, with our Early Years classes having a maximum of 20 students.

What about Music and Art at Invictus?

Music and Art are integrated into the curriculum and taught by our specialist teachers. At the higher levels, they will be taught as individual subjects.

Do students have Physical Education lessons and outdoor play?

Our purpose-built campus has an outdoor playground and students are allocated sufficient outdoor playtime. Physical Education also features prominently in our curriculum. You can find out more about our campus here.

What are the school hours and are there any Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)?

School currently starts at 7:45 am and ends at 2.45 pm. Children can also join the ECAs after school (from 3 pm to 4.30 pm), and the cost of attendance will be payable to the vendors.

What are the after-school Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) offered?

We offer after-school ECAs from 3 pm to 4 pm at Invictus International School. Activities vary by term. Some examples of ECAs may include Languages, Swimming, STEM Education, Art and Music. ECAs are subject to change and are offered based on availability and demand.

How does my child purchase Break and Lunch?

Lunch is available at school cafeteria at discounted payable by via Vircle Cashless system. 

Are students required to wear a school uniform?

All Invictus students are required to wear the school uniform on campus. It consists of a navy-blue polo with the school crest, grey shorts or skirt with the school's name. Children are required to wear closed-toed shoes always. Flip-flops, Crocs and sandals are not acceptable. Sports shoes with white socks are preferred and required on photo days and official school events.

Is there transportation or school bus services?

Due to the low demand currently, Invictus is unable to offer any school bus services. However, the school might look into providing such services if there is sufficient demand in the future.

What and Why is there a Pre-Admissions Assessment? Do I need to prepare my child?

The pre-admission assessment is put in place to get an accurate representation of each student's learning needs upon entry to Invictus. The assessment allows us to have an insight into the areas of strength that need an extension, as well as the areas of need that require support. 

How much does the Pre-Admissions Assessment cost?

The cost of the assessment is included in the RM1000 Registration Fee.

Can I sit with my child during the assessment?

Regrettably, we do not allow parents to sit with their child for the assessment. We need to be able to assess your child independent from your relationship with them as a parent. Parents will be asked to say “goodbye” to their child as they go to a classroom with a friendly teacher. Please prepare your child for this separation.

How long does the assessment take?

The assessment will take approximately 60 minutes. You are welcome to wait in our lobby or come back later to pick up your child.

When will we get the results? What are the next steps?

You should hear back from our admissions department within one week of your child taking the assessment. If your child passes the assessment he/she will either be offered a place in the school or put on our waiting list. 

How can I see and have involvement in my child’s learning development?

At Invictus, we work on an open reporting and transparent system including parents in their child’s learning development by incorporating modern IT systems, such as our ‘Parents App’ which allows our parents to have real time updates about their child’s learning and welfare. Additionally, we provide termly academic reports and invite parents into our Parent-Teacher conferences. We actively encourage parental involvement in the development of their child’s learning journey. Our Wellbeing programme involves not only your child but, the whole Invictus community with special events held to bring everyone together in a collaborative arena.

How much homework is assigned?

We believe in assigning homework not as “busy work”, but rather as a means of re extending concepts, building connections and practicing skills. The amount of homework students receive varies by year group and age. Additional details are available in the parent handbook and through are homework guidelines.