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Home > Curriculum > Cambridge IGCSE [14 years to 16 years]

IGCSE Secondary School

Further supplementing our curriculum in Primary, we embrace the Singapore Mathematics approach (used in over 25 countries) as well as Active Learn, a tool that allows students to learn a range of skills and concepts in English, Mathematics and Science. Our Secondary school follows the Cambridge International curriculum. This allows students to continue to learn in a diverse curriculum that provides choices in what each student sees as important for their future.

Cambridge International Curriculum

Students in Years 7 to 9 go through the Cambridge Lower Secondary curriculum which is based on international best practice for schools. The curriculum provides a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy for all students while engaging them in an active learning journey that fosters their creativity. Students can also explore specialist subjects based on their strengths, interests and ability as they begin to form their college and career aspirations.

In Years 10 and 11, students prepare for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exams. It is the world’s most popular international qualification and serves to prepare students for the Cambridge International A-Levels. With the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum, students can choose subjects that are in line with plans for further education or career goals.

Subjects for the IGCSEs include English, English Literature, Mandarin, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Information and Communication Technology, Geography, History, Bahasa Melayu and Music.

Students in Year 12 and 13 students prepare to take the Cambridge International A-Levels which is conferred under the General Certificate of Education in the United Kingdom. They can select specialist subjects to pursue at the A-Levels in line with the degree that they wish to pursue at university. This internationally recognised qualification will enable students to apply for global universities. Universities generally will grant offers based on the grades achieved at the International A-Level exams.

Holistically we want our students to be creative, critical and innovative. For this to happen we support our students learning from EYFS through to the end of Secondary school in areas of Health, Physical education and extra-curricular activities.

If you are looking for a well-rounded school, we invite you to visit us and explore the possibilities we can offer your children in their educational journey. To find out more about our school, book a tour or send us an enquiry here.

IGCSE Subject Selection*

  • English First Language - 0500
  • English As a Second Language - 0510
  • Chinese Second Language - 0523
  • Chinese Foreign Language - 0547
  • French Foreign Language - 0520
  • Malay First Language - 0696
  • Malay Foreign Language - 0546
  • Mathematics - 0580
  • Mathematics Additional - 0606
  • Accounting - 0452
  • Business Studies - 0450
  • Economics - 0455
  • Science Combined - 0653
  • Chemistry - 0620
  • Physics - 0625
  • Biology - 0610
  • Art & Design - 0400
  • Physical Education - 0413
  • Drama - 0411
  • Global Perspective - 0457
  • Information & Communication Technology - 0417  

  • *If you have selected combined science, you are not allowed to choose Chemistry or Biology.

    *The subjects on the list above are for reference only. This list is not exhaustive and Invictus may add or remove subjects based on the demand of each cohort. For an up-to-date list of the subjects currently offered, kindly contact our admissions team.