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Home > About Us > Our Team > Academic Staff > Lukasz Franciszek Szarowolec

Lukasz Franciszek Szarowolec


Lukasz Franciszek Szarowolec


Physical Education (PE) Teacher

  • Master’s in Physical Education, Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Poland

In 2016, Mr Lukasz earned a Master's degree in physical education, and a year later, he was awarded the title of "Advanced Health and Exercise Specialist" certification in Europe. This marked the beginning of his career as a Sports Coach and Teacher on an international scale. Over the past seven years, he has had the privilege of working in the United States, Australia, and China, where he consistently demonstrated leadership qualities while excelling in roles as a sports coach, teacher, and lifeguard.

His experience encompasses a wide spectrum of sports, including swimming, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and various outdoor activities related to program requirements. Through these roles, he has consistently exhibited professionalism, motivation, and adaptability as an educator. In addition to his expertise in traditional sports, he is also a certified Indoor Skydiving instructor and Flow Rider surfing coach.

Among his many interests, basketball and fitness hold a special place, as they align with his passion for promoting fitness and a healthy lifestyle. In his workplace, he actively strives to instill healthy habits among his students, thereby contributing to their overall well-being.