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Home > About Us > Our Team > Academic Staff > Robin Lesley Guillemette

Robin Lesley Guillemette

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Robin Lesley Guillemette


HOD Early Years | Homeroom Teacher EY2 (Penguin)

  • Bachelor of Arts in Education-Childhood Education, Bircham International University, USA

With 14 years of international teaching, Ms. Robin has become a highly regarded educator specialising in early years. Her teaching journey has taken her to diverse locations, including China, Thailand, and Malaysia. 

Originally hailing from the beautiful country of Canada, Ms. Robin’s passion for exploring new countries and immersing herself in different cultures has been a driving force in her career. Her love for adventure has not only enriched her life but also greatly influenced her teaching style, fostering a global mindset in her young students.

Ms. Robin's teaching philosophy revolves around creating a safe, nurturing, fun, and inclusive learning environment where young minds can flourish. 

In her spare time, Ms. Robin enjoys indulging her creative side through voice-over work. Her warm and expressive voice has brought life to various projects, from educational materials to audiobooks and commercials. 

At home, Ms. Robin and her husband share their love with their cherished kitty that they brought back with them from Turkey named Gece (meaning night). 

Ms. Robin’s teaching career spanning over a decade across various international settings, coupled with her passion for voice overs, love for travel, and devotion to her feline friend, makes her a unique and inspiring educator.