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Home > About Us > Our Team > Academic Staff > Wong Ling Shuang

Wong Ling Shuang

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Wong Ling Shuang


HOD Mathematics

  •  Master of Engineering (Industrial Engineering), University Technology Malaysia
  •  Bachelor of Science (Industrial Mathematics), University Technology Malaysia

Ms. Wong's love for mathematics has been a lifelong passion, deeply influenced by her parents, both of whom are educators. From a young age, she aspired to become a mathematics teacher. Her academic journey led her to the University of Technology, Malaysia, where she earned both a Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Mathematics.

As an educator since 2011, Ms. Wong's familiarity with the A-level and IGCSE syllabi allows her to provide targeted guidance and support to her students. What sets her apart is her remarkable ability to simplify complex mathematical problems, making them accessible and clear for her students. She employs a "known to unknown" approach, helping students build a solid foundation and master problem-solving skills. Her teaching philosophy emphasizes understanding the underlying concepts rather than rote memorization of formulas. Her unwavering belief is that there is a solution to every problem, and she imparts this problem-solving mindset to her students.

For Ms. Wong, teaching mathematics is not just a career; it is a vocation that brings immense satisfaction and the opportunity to make a substantial impact on her students' academic and professional journeys. Ms. Wong is dedicated to fostering a new generation of confident and capable mathematicians who see the world through a mathematical lens."